Special Reading
Texas Administrative Code Title 28, Part 1, Chapter 19, Subchapter K, Rule
§ 19.1009 - Types of Courses
(h) Classroom equivalent courses may be internet, CD-ROM, DVD, or other computer-based presentations that:
2(B) requires answering 70% of the inquiries for each period correctly to demonstrate mastery of the current section, including the final section, before the student is
allowed by the program to proceed to the next section or complete the course;
(G) has a means to reasonably authenticate the student's identity on a periodic basis, including upon entering, during, and exiting the course.
(3) A comprehensive final examination is not required for classroom equivalent courses.
*** To explain 2(B) above - you must complete and pass with a 70% or better each review question section in order to move to the next section.
Texas Administrative Code Title 28, Part 1, Chapter 19, Subchapter K, Rule
§ 19.1011 - Requirements for Successful Completion of Continuing Education Courses
(b)Providers shall use the periodic interactive inquiries to determine completion of certified classroom equivalent courses. A student must complete all
inquiry sections with a minimum score of at least 70% for each section.
(d)(2)The specific final examination questions (self-study) and the interactive inquires (classroom equivalent) may not be made available to the student until the test
is administered. Providers shall effect security measures to maintain the integrity of the examination.
*** To explain (d)(2) above - you must read the content of the section before taking the examination. The test will not be administered until you have read all the chapter
content. The system will periodically ask for your User ID (username) during the course to assure that you are the person taking the course.